Wednesday 23 December 2015

My NEW life!
This is me age 8 lovely and happy and healthy.  I have a lovely brother called Noah who can be a bit mischievous and he is three.  I have a lovely cute little sister called Matilda who is two.

Saturday 18 August 2007

Photos 2

Photo Story

1 Week old today

Hello everyone. Kate is one week old today!

Sorry about the gap in the blog. As you are about to find out, we have been very busy! We left the story having been discharged from hospital. It was straight to our (small) flat in Kingston for a short time while we waited for our audiology appointment in St Mary's Hospital.

As I'm sure you can imagine, and as those of you with children know, the first nights at home with your baby are interesting ones. The first thing we noticed was how loud Katy was, grunts, squeaks and the less subtle screams for attention. I was able to sleep through some of these, but Leanne stayed up with Katy for most of the night. However, I was there in the mornig to take over and let Leanne get some well earned rest.

When we first moved to Surbiton in 2006, we walked along the Thames to Kingston and saw all the prams being pushed by proud parents. It was finally our turn, although we still should have had 3 weeks of walking with a big bump. We were fourtunate enough to have some cracking weather so we we able to have a stroll down the river on Wednesday, a stroll and a wander round outside the shops on Thursday and then we ventured into some shops and a resturaunt on Friday. On Saturday, we were joined by Auntie Sarah for a frosty beer and nibbles, in the sun, next to the Thames. Katy was due to be born in two weeks from that day and we could not quite belive that we were all sitting there and having fun in the sun.

That weekend was spent getting ready for the move back to Wales. Lots of sorting, packing, and thowing things out. Katy was very well behaved, and just watched us get everything sorted. We had a farewell dinner with Uncle James and Auntie Sarah on Monday evening then it was off to the hospital on Tuesday.

The hearing test was not great, reduced hearing in one ear and nothing in the other. Katy was still not supposed to be born so she will be tested again in a few weeks to see if she has got any better. On Wednesday, we loaded up the car, gave the keys back to our landlord and were on our merry way back to Wales.

Katy was fantastic on the journey, she slept pretty much all the way. We had a decent run and were both nervous and excited (there must be a word for that) as we got in the lift up to our new home.

What we found was jaw-dropping. All of our things that had been put in storage over the last two years were there waiting for us. Our ormanents, photos, clothes and our fantastic bed. It was a special feeling to finally be here, almost as if the past three months had melted away.

Katy responded to us being much more chilled out and she loves the sea air. We take her for walks in the "BabyBjorn" (THANK YOU LYDIA!!!) every day and she is developing every day. She is now over 5lb and has started lifting her head and doing little smiles. She has met many of her Welsh relations for the first time and spent lots of time with her Grandparents too.

Katy was supposed to be born last week. She decided that she would come into the world 16 weeks ago and she has shown us all how strong she is. Leanne has been, and still is, an amazing mother. All those hours spent with Katy in hospital have definately meant that we could be here today, and not still in Kingston going to see her in hospital.

Thank you ALL for your support through this tough time. This is not the end of the blog. We will be keeping the photos and comments comming every few weeks so stay tuned for more exciting Katy adventures, and if you are ever in West Wales, drop us a line.

Mark, Katy and Leanne Richards,

129 Altamar,
Kings Road,
SA1 8PP.

PS. Photos in a seperate post

Saturday 28 July 2007

Katy's Home part II

On Sunday katy was weighed and was 4lb for the first time in her life. This meant that she could be discharged, it also meant that we were going to "Room in" with Katy on Monday instead of Tuesday.

We did not spend much time in hospital on Sunday because we had to go out and get lots of things done. We managed to get everything sorted and turned up at the hospital on Monday afternoon.

Within an hour, we had taken Katy out of the neonatal unit and into our private room. It did have an en-suite, but daddy had to sleep on a fold out bed. It was amazing to just lie on the bed with Katy and watch trashey TV. It was a fantastic day and then the time came for mummy and daddy to go to sleep.

We decided to feed Katy at 2am and 6am. There were two main issues that stopped us getting to sleep. When Katy was sleeping silently, we were scared she was not breathing and when Katy was not sleeping silently, she made a wide variety of strange noises. One of the nurses had came in to see us and did say that "she is a loud sleeper". She was spot on.

As dawn broke, we both thought "where did that come from?" and got ready to give Katy her morning feed. The reat of the day was simply a matter of waiting for a doctor to check Katy over and discharge her. This happened at about 2pm and then, after some "graduation" photos and tears from Leanne's lovely mummy friends, we finally got to take our baby home.

Part III coming later, I need to sort Katy out!

Katy's home.

Katy came home on Tuesday 24th July!

She had been in hospital for 12 weeks and 1 day. That last day was spent with us in Transitional care. It was a amzing to be fully responsible for our daughter for the first time.


Wednesday 18 July 2007

Monitor Monitoring

Katy has been taken off her oxygen and pulse monitor.

We will have to watch her carefully from now on!